Navigating Controversial Mergers
The Ingram Group was sought by legal counsel to help develop strategy and messaging to successfully navigate review by the Federal Trade Commission, approval by two states, and community skepticism involving the controversial merger of two rural health systems. TIG worked to marshal the support of regional business leaders, physicians, educators, and countless other stakeholders and amplified their voices to demonstrate critical local support. TIG prepared supportive messaging, using data to credibly prove the region would experience improved care and accessibility via the merger, and demonstrated that the resources the two health systems previously spent competing with each other would be invested in improved patient care and the community. Ultimately, the FTC did not take a position or oppose the merger, a key win for the client. A second critical win came with approval by the two affected states under a rarely granted Certificate of Public Advantage process. To achieve this, TIG assisted the client in navigating thorny state politics and worked closely with the client and regulators to develop key health metrics that satisfied state regulators and the community. TIG remains a part of the process, monitoring its progress and continuing to help navigate key relationships as more is learned about the COPA experience.
Resolving political discord to secure a National Football League team
The Ingram Group assisted with persuading a National Football League team to move to Nashville. Specifically, TIG managed discord behind the scenes among the governor, mayor, corporate leaders, and leading political influencers who were at odds over the location and proposed name. TIG mapped out the key actors, their interests and motivations, and crafted possible solutions for each point of conflict. TIG then brought all parties together and assisted with the successful recruitment of the NFL team, also helping to rename it to reflect that they were “Tennessee’s team.” Additionally, TIG assisted in the team’s marketing of skyboxes and personal seat licenses.
Building a workforce pipeline to address an industry workforce shortage
The Ingram Group helped a group of franchisees facing a severe workforce shortage to develop a strategy to find qualified employees for their businesses across a certain state. TIG developed a lasting solution by connecting the franchisees with the state’s Board of Regents, which is responsible for all the state’s Community Colleges and Colleges of Applied Technology, and facilitated meetings that have resulted in several of the schools launching new training programs that will feed the pipeline for qualified employees.
Creating a strategic plan to guide the formation and launch of a new Nashville nonprofit
The Ingram Group helped a group of high-profile community leaders develop a plan for the establishment of a nonprofit organization focused on improving public safety by supporting the Metro Nashville Police Department and advancing community engagement and crime prevention efforts. Understanding pockets of the city were distrusting and apprehensive toward police, the plan sought to position the new organization as a bridge between the communities and the department, creating a place for partnership and progress.