Stephen Sebastian got involved in politics at the ripe young age of nine. At sixteen, he was appointed Senate Page by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, M.D. During college, he joined forces with Vicki Shell and Susan Miller to propel U.S. Congressman Phil Roe, M.D. to victory in Tennessee’s First Congressional District. Since then, Stephen has led communications for Congressman Mark Sanford (R-SC), statewide campaigns, and a host of Tennessee local and state political races including judges, mayors, and legislators in Northeast Tennessee. Stephen is a partner with Shell, Miller, Sebastian Advertizing, the Northeast Tennessee strategic affiliate of The Ingram Group, where, for the last decade, he has provided strategic communications, messaging and creative services to businesses, non-profits and political campaigns. Stephen earned his bachelor’s degree in Classical Studies from Furman University, continued his study of ancient languages at the graduate level, and taught Latin at Mississippi College.